Serving Public Employees
PERA Appointments is here to connect you with a qualified retirement representative, but only when you tell us you’re ready.

We also know that trust and a good fit with your financial representative are critical to your long-term savings success. That’s why we give you a choice in who to work with.

PERA Appointments: Connecting you with a financial professional who can help.

It’s your future.
We offer our financial matchmaking service because we know how important retirement planning is. In fact, we’re honored to help facilitate your plans for the future. We encourage you to get started as soon as you can. Our sister company, PERA Administrators, can help jump-start the process.
It’s all about your financial health.
PERA Appointments serves the people who serve others: the teachers, professors, first responders, and city planners, among others, who make our communities good places to live. Because we believe that these people—people like you—deserve a plan that will help them reach a secure and comfortable retirement, we offer a service to help get that plan started.

It’s all about timing.
Most of us don’t visit a car showroom until we need a car. We value the services professionals offer; we need the information they have — but only when the timing’s right. We think retirement planning should work the same way.
Ready now?
We’ll make the connection.